Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Sexual Transmission

When having sex or performing sexual "favors" (e.i. oral, anal, even touching). You are dealing with bodily fluids and parts of the body that may be infected with viruses. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's) are now called Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's). The reason for this change in name is because some of the viruses passed through sexual transmission are curable and therefore are called infections instead of diseases. They may be curable but if you get one you still have to go through the humiliation of getting tested and cured. These infections are passed when preforming sex or sex related tasks (some can be passed by kissing) What does this tell you? We are not supposed to be engaging in sexual activity with those whose background of sexual activity we are unsure of. Many people get sexually transmitted infections from their partners who they believe were "clean". My advise: know your partner well enough to know they're clean.

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